All Of Our Free Morrigan Resources

misconceptions resources táin bó cúailnge Mar 19, 2024

We sent a Student Survey out last week here at the Morrigan Academy, and the responses have been very helpful, so go raibh maith agat if you've taken the time to complete that!

And if you want to take it now... [Find It Here]

Your engagement and feedback have been invaluable as we continue to shape this learning community together. It's only been a few months since we started this new adventure with the Morrigan Academy, and your input has already made a significant impact.

One thing that concerned me about the survey responses was that some folk were asking for free resources, as if I hadn't already provided them... I'm presuming these are folk who are new to me and my work, and just don't know what's available, so it seemed a good idea to make sure everyone does!

So, here's the current list of free resources that I believe will enrich your learning experience. These resources span a variety of formats and topics, designed to cater to all learning styles and interests.


Morrigan Academy Resources:


From Previous Work at our Sister Site, the Irish Pagan School:


Additional Learning Avenues with Morrigan Content:


Learning the Lore:


Take your time, explore at your own pace, and most importantly, have fun with it. Each resource is a gateway to deeper understanding and connection with the essence of Irish paganism, and the Goddess Morrigan.

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences as you explore these resources. 

Slán agus beannacht,

🐦‍⬛ Lora O’Brien

Exploring the manuscript text of the Táin Bó Cuailnge, the Cattle Raid of Cooley...

with prayers, prompts, and reflections, over 5 days.

Take the Free 5 Day Challenge

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