Understand the Morrigan by Mastering the Cath Maige Tuired in One Month


[even if you're juggling a hectic schedule, unsure about the Irish language, and feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the Morrigan's lore.]

If you're a spiritual seeker, modern pagan, or mythology enthusiast looking to master the Cath Maige Tuired while forging a deep, personal connection with the Morrigan, then you already know that you need to get familiar with authentic Irish lore and practice.


You already know that understanding the Morrigan's lore is key to deepening your spiritual practice. You're aware that the Cath Maige Tuired (Second Battle of Moytura) is a gateway to connecting with this powerful Irish Goddess on a level that goes beyond mere knowledge, tapping into the transformative energy she represents. And you recognise that in a world filled with superficial spiritual experiences, authentic connection and understanding are rare treasures.

These insights are what set you apart on your path, driving your desire to engage with the lore in a way that honors the depth and complexity of the Morrigan's story.


By the end of this programme,

you will have…


  • Understanding of the Intricacies of the Cath Maige Tuired

    Not only will you become familiar with the key events and characters, but you'll grasp the deeper meanings and implications within the lore. This matters because it transforms the Morrigan from a figure in a story to a living presence in your spiritual practice, enriching your connection and reverence for her.
  • Developed a Personal Connection with the Morrigan

    Through guided exploration and reflection, you'll find your unique path to the Morrigan, experiencing her power and wisdom in ways that resonate with your life. This is crucial for transforming your practice from one of learning to one of living, making your spiritual path more vibrant and meaningful.
  • Integrated Ancient Wisdom into Modern Practice

    You'll learn to apply the teachings from the Cath Maige Tuired in your daily life. This matters because it ensures that your spirituality is not only historically informed but also relevant and empowering in the modern world, bridging gaps between past and present.
  • Engaged with a Like-minded Community

    You'll connect with fellow seekers, sharing insights and experiences that enrich everyone's journey. This is important because it amplifies your learning, provides support and camaraderie, and roots your solitary practice within a broader, nurturing community.
  • Gained Confidence in Your Spiritual Path

    Armed with knowledge, connections, and practical applications, you'll feel more assured and inspired in your pursuit of spiritual growth. This confidence is transformative, moving you from uncertainty or isolation into a space of strength and community, where you can share your journey and contribute to the collective wisdom.

"I was honestly at a crossroads in my spiritual journey, feeling drawn to the Morrigan but so overwhelmed by where to start. This course was a game-changer. Lora O'Brien has a way of making the Morrigan's lore not just accessible, but deeply personal. I've gone from skimming texts and feeling lost, to having meaningful practices and a genuine connection. Plus, the community aspect? Incredible. I've met folks who get it, who've been on the same path and are eager to share. If you're on the fence, take the leap. It's more than worth it."


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What’s Inside the Cath Maige Tuired 101 Programme 


Through the month, you'll receive 12 easily digestible private podcast audio episodes, and a weekly email direct from Lora.

Enrolled in this transformative programme, you'll begin to deeply understand and connect with the Morrigan through the Cath Maige Tuired. Starting with an immersive audio exploration of the lore, you'll uncover the story's rich layers, leading to a personal relationship with the Morrigan that transcends mere knowledge. You'll learn to apply this ancient wisdom in your modern spiritual practice, making it a dynamic part of your daily life. Alongside this, you'll join a community of fellow seekers, sharing insights and supporting each other in a shared journey of discovery. This comprehensive approach ensures a profound transformation, enriching your spiritual path with deep connections, practical wisdom, and communal strength.

How the Programme is Delivered:

  • 3 Private Podcast Episodes per week (Mon, Wed, Fri).
  • 1 Weekly Email with an episode roundup (to learn), a practical exercise (to experience), and reflective journal/meditation prompts (to integrate).
  • The episodes contain a Reading and Commentary on the full translation of the Second Battle of Moytura by Lora O'Brien, Master in Irish History and Dedicated Morrigan Priest.

Don't let another moment pass feeling overwhelmed or disconnected from this powerful lore. Enroll now and begin your journey of discovery, connection, and transformation.


With kind permission, we will be using Morgan Daimler's excellent modern translation of the Cath Maige Tuired - Click Here to Get Your Print Copy - which includes all of the Morrigans Prophecy Poetry in full.

Your One Month, No Fuss, 100% Guarantee

When you enroll in this programme, you have a full 30 day money back guarantee. Enroll, download the audio, get the emails, learn from the materials... and if you don't like what you've got just email us and we'll give you all your money back.

We're taking a risk by offering this - we can't get the content back, so you could just enroll, then ask for a refund, and rip us off! However, we work on an honour system with our Tuath, as did our ancient ancestors. We trust that you won't do that to us, just like you can trust that we will do our very best to make sure you have a good experience with the Morrigan Academy. 

You have a 100% money back Guarantee, for a full 30 days, so you can go ahead and enroll with full confidence.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What our most successful students ask before joining Cath Maige Tuired 101...

I can’t wait for you to join us for Cath Maige Tuired 101

I created this course because I know first-hand the transformative power of connecting deeply with our Irish lore, especially when it comes to understanding the Morrigan. For me, delving into this ancient story wasn’t just an academic pursuit; it was a journey that deepened my spiritual practice, connected me more intimately with the land of Ireland, and brought the Morrigan's presence vividly into my life. This isn’t just about learning old tales; it’s about how these stories echo in our lives today, guiding us, empowering us, and connecting us more deeply to our spiritual path.

This course is for anyone who feels called to the Morrigan, who’s been intrigued by her stories but maybe feels a bit overwhelmed by where to start or how to connect these tales to their personal practice. You're in the right place if you're looking for a way to make these ancient stories a living, breathing part of your spiritual journey.

And I want you to feel comfortable stepping into this exploration, which is why I'm offering this as a risk-free opportunity. If you're ready to transform your understanding and connection to the Morrigan, I warmly invite you to join us. Let's go on this journey through the lore together.

Slán go fóill,  Lora 🐦‍⬛

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