Questions on the Morrigan Intensive Programme

faq q&a questions the intensive Feb 05, 2024
Questions on the Morrigan Intensive Programme

As our students prepare for the Class of 2024 launch (people on the waiting list will begin to receive updates in late May/ early June - Join Here for first info) of our annual 6 month programme, the Mórrígan Intensive... we have received some excellent questions.

To be fair and transparent to all, I thought it best to answer them here, and then link the student to them.

Payment for the Morrigan Intensive Programme

There is nowhere on your site of the Irish Pagan School site that states the actual price of The Môrrîgan Intensive course.  Why is that? 

Generally, the exact price is not listed because it changes each year, as we iterate new versions. I would be legally liable for false advertising if I listed a price or payment options that are not then made available during our annual launch window. 

To provide a ‘ballpark’ figure though, I’d suggest you budget for an overall cost of somewhere in the region of 1,000 euro for the 6 month programme in 2024.

There will be a payment plan over 4 months, which costs more than a straight split of the overall price / 4, due to the extra risk, admin costs, and exchange rates, associated with providing a payment plan option. 

Please also note that the Morrigan Intensive is hosted on it’s own website with it’s own emails, blog resources, and such. You won’t find any information on the Irish Pagan School websites.


Accessibility of the Morrigan Intensive

In reference to the course materials:

Will I be able to use a text to speech reader to access any written documents or coursework that is provided on the course? Is the larger portion of the coursework presented in videos, audio format or text?

The main weekly course materials are provided in video format, with audio presentation and slides to follow on screen (also downloadable after), edited subtitles, and a downloadable pdf transcript. 

There are guided journeys in video, audio and text format.

There are written exercise and record sheets each week which are available in pdf download, or with word format options for those workbook type ones, with digitally fillable portions.

The private peer community group weekly prompts are expected to be provided by a short (1-2) video or audio journal style entry, but text entries are also acceptable occasionally, or in full if there is a medical reason not to partipate as designed. 

There is a primary text resource (a large academic thesis) which is provided in pdf format, but also provided is a week by week breakdown of this thesis, read by Lora in a private podcast, with commentary throughout.

Any other recommended papers and such are provided in pdf format, which most text to speech readers will be able to convert.


Engagement in the Morrigan Intensive Programme

Also is there module or course assignments that we need to complete and submit to you? What amount of commitment are you expecting from students in terms of study, evidence of study?

There are assignments and exercises every single week, which need to be completed and recorded in students personal files, but not submitted to the course tutor. 

In this programme, you are very much expected to have your own determination to complete the programme, ideally within the 6 months allocated but there is also leeway for almost a year to finish the work

If something comes up and you get behind, we recommend you start again with the rest of the group from wherever we are at, and catch up on missed weeks in your own time, asap.

Accountability and peer support is built in, however, in the form of the moderated private group weekly check ins, where the prompts will be linked to the work you have completed in the previous weeks. 

We do not check up, or hand hold in this programme, but there is very clear structure and momentum, and a very strong community support element that brings us all along together.

 Overall, the question of time is the same as - how long is a piece of string?!

Students can come to this programme at very different stages in their relationship with the Mórrígan, and different places in their own lives. Each gets from it the equivalent of what they put in.

In general however, the weekly videos run from 30-60 minutes. The exercises will take between 1-3 hours. The private podcast/ thesis reading weekly episodes are between 10 - 30 minutes. There are short daily focus and breathing exercises which total about 30 minutes per week. And a Guided Journey (at least 1 per week) that takes approximately 30 minutes. Group participation should be at least 1 hour, and writing up your personal record, about another 30 minutes.

These can all be done in one session (taking about 6 hours focus on average), or split into a weekly routine on different days, to suit your own schedule and commitments.


Tech for the Mórrígan Intensive

Is the weekly check-in group done through the school's own learning platform or Via Facebook or Zoom?

What tools/accounts are needed or optional?  Or is everything accessed from the Mòrrìgan Intensive School's own website?

The weekly check-ins are done here on the website. We have created a system for private group access that is included with your enrollment in the Mórrígan Intensive Programme at the Peer Support level. 

There is no need to schedule for live meetings at this level of enrollment, you can complete the materials and exercises week by week on your own schedule, and check in with the group at times that suit you.

The software we host the Academy on here is self contained, all in one place. There is an app students can download to access it all from your phone, as well as the usual desktop or laptop formats.


Join the Waiting List for the Morrigan Intensive Programme

We will let you know exactly when the annual enrollment opens for the programme, provide details of available scholarships, and meanwhile we'll send you the best authentic Mórrígan content and resources available anywhere, all free of charge! - [Join the Waiting List]


Do you have a Patreon page or Ko-fi page where people can offer gratitude and support for all you do?

We do indeed, through the Irish Pagan School.



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with prayers, prompts, and reflections, over 5 days.

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